Copywriting is the business of words and how they make you act on them

Check out some of my most effective pieces of content bellow.

Brand awareness

Get young adults
Who are engaged with social causes
To involve in Estoril conferences initiatives
By showing up at the conferences

The idea was to make the audience feel angry so it would make them act. I decided asking a series of questions that touched the audience pain points.

Total impressions 1.23k

Content Strategy

Get the adults in rural Portugal
Who live in burning areas
To prevent wildfires’ effects on the respiratory system.
By following the advices from a health authority.

The idea was to spread important advices for people who where living in these areas.

Total impressions 789

Content Strategy

Get the young adults in rural Portugal
Who have no access to gyms
To work out more often
By following the advices from a health authority.

The idea was to give advice on the practice of outdoor sports and prevent injuries that demotivate people from working out.

Total impressions 884

Beauty Industry

Get adult women in Coimbra 
Who have aging parents
To give back to their caretakers
By offering them a self-care gift on Father’s Day.

The idea was to play with the saying “father is the caretaker”, changing the word father to “daughter”.

Total impressions 604

Content strategy

Get the adults in rural Portugal
Who have misconceptions about physicaltheraphy
To know when they should see a physicaltheraphist
By informing them when to actually see a therapist.

The idea was to bring awareness to the practice teaching people how to avoid it, knowing the honesty portrays trust.

Total impressions 314


Product showcasing

Get adult women with economic power
Who are getting old 
To feel young, cool and in style. 
By providing them with durable shoes and unique shoes. 

The idea was to play with patterns in the shoes (resembling animal skin) and the concept of camouflage. the tagline reads “unnoticed by”

Total impressions 554

Product showcasing


Get adult women with economic power

Who are getting old

To feel beautiful and in power

By providing them with durable shoes made in Portugal

The idea was to play with the blue ocean and colour shoes. Released at the beginning of summer, evoking beach and vacation vibes.

Total impressions 356

Beauty Industry Service

Get adult women in Coimbra
Who are in established relationships
To be confidant and happy with their looks
By providing them with offers curated to celebrate a special day.

The idea was to play with Valentines Day and the concept of self-care. The tag line read “This Valentine Day, You are the present”

Total impressions 464

Brand Awareness

Get young adults 
Who are engaged with social causes
To involve in Estoril conferences initiatives
By wanting to show up at the conferences and involve in other initiatives.

The idea was to evoque the  audiences strong emotions to trigger action. 

Total impressions 962

Beauty Industry Service​

Get adult women in Coimbra
Who are wanting to get tanned for the summer
To do it safely 
By following the portrait advices

The idea was creating brand authority and giving the 5 tips to get the results they are looking for. 

Total impressions 582

Product showcasing

Get adult women with economic power         Who are wanting to feel beautiful
To buy the showcased products
By associating it to elements of the summer

The idea was to play with the peach color shoes knowing peach is a fruit associated with summer. The tag line read “What is you favorite fruit?” and “Choose in season”

Total impressions 249

Brand Awareness

Get young adults 
Who are engaged with social causes
To feel a sense of urgency familiar with  Estoril conferences initiatives 
By familiarizing with  Estoril conferences initiatives

The idea was to use International Mother Earth Day and associate it with the mother archetype. The tag line reads: “A Mother’s warning we can no longer ignore”

Total impressions 1.2k

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