Having the best product in the market won’t sell it (here is what will)

Understanding the customer and product is the difference between figuring out what to say in your copy or cutting out ideas. We have all been there. We are given so little information about a product that we can’t think of anything to say. The concept has to be precise. But to be clear, there is …

Having the best product in the market won’t sell it (here is what will) Read More »

What’s killing creativity and why creative fields are not for the faint of he(art)

Did you know that usnews reports that 60% of CEOs cited creativity as an essential leadership quality? Meanwhile, Adobe notes that 80% of workers feel more pressure to be productive than creative. 80%! Is this what’s killing creativity? I watched the Art & Copy documentary and discovered how the Madman-era Ad geniuses did it. Got Nerve? “Think different” campaign for Apple by Craig Tanimoto, …

What’s killing creativity and why creative fields are not for the faint of he(art) Read More »

Machine Learning Explicado

Podemos pensar num algoritmo como uma sequência lógica e finita de passos, cujo objetivo é resolver um determinado problema matemático. De uma forma bastante simplificada, um algoritmo é uma receita. Podemos ainda pensar na programação como o processo de preparar um programa instrucional (uma receita), para um dispositivo, como um computador. Associando estes dois conceitos, …

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